About us

Uganda Coffee Farmers Alliance (UCFA) is a farmer owned apex body established to provide agribusiness services to coffee farmers’ cooperatives in Uganda. UCFA promotes these farmer organizations to become viable by being business oriented with a strong emphasis on value addition and marketing. Its main purpose is to act as a support unit and services agency for its members.

UCFA is a national level apex organization whose members include Cooperative Societies. To date the UCFA, is supporting smallholder farming households with a total population of nearly a half a million individuals in various regions of Uganda and these are grouped in 124 Cooperatives and 2006 Producer Organizations

The Producer Organization (PO) is a training center where the Farmer Field School extension methodology is practiced as well as a Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA). In addition, each PO has a Demonstration Farm and a Lead Farmer who mobilizes others. The Cooperative is a business unit with an office and warehouse (depot) where members’ coffee is collected, records and equipment kept, and coffee processing and logistics are coordinated. The Cooperatives are supported by UCFA to operate professionally, profitably and transparently
